what not to buy consignment

Household Items To Avoid Buying at Thrift and Consignment Shops

May 28, 2024

Part 2

do not buy on thrift
Photo by Yelena Odintsova on Pexels

Last week we talked about what clothing items I think that you should avoid at thrift and consignment shops. See recent blogs below for that one if you missed it. And even though I own a home-centered consignment shop, specializing in furniture and home goods, I do believe that there are a few household items to avoid buying at thrift or consignment shops. Just consider…

household items avoid on consignment
Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels

#1 Household Item to Avoid Buying at Thrift or Consignment Shops: Cribs

I understand that for some people there aren’t many options other than second-hand baby items. Baby staples are ridiculously expensive. Cribs, however, should be avoided at thrift and consignment shops whenever possible. Whether you’re a parent, a grandparent or a care provider child safety is of the upmost importance. This is extremely important when it comes to cribs. According to The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are roughly “…30 deaths annually from crib-related incidents involving infants and toddlers.” In most cases, the agency also reports that “the cribs involved are older models…”

If deaths of babies is not enough of a reason, also consider that vintage cribs, made prior to 1978, can also be finished with lead paint. Kids chew railings all the time. Lead paint exposure in children can cause a host of health issues. These include damage to the brain and nervous system, slowed growth and development, learning and behavior problems, and hearing and speech problems. That’s what makes cribs a household item to avoid buying at thrift or consignment shops unless they are new in the box and made within the last decade. If you are shopping for cribs, here are two of Amazon’s top selling cribs: #1: Delta 4 in 1 Bianca Crib and #2: Delta 4 in 1 Greenguard Crib.

household items avoid thrift
Photo by Thomas Cotton on Pexels

Other Household Items To Avoid at Thrift and Consignment: Bed Pillows, Sheets and Towels

For the same reason you need to avoid undergarments and bathing suits on thrift, you should avoid bed pillows, sheets and towels. These items are germ magnets just by the nature of their use. If they are new in the package, by all means consider it a score, but if they aren’t and can’t be washed in hot water or with bleach, run. Consider these best sellers on Amazon: Bed Pillows, Sheets and Towels.

avoid these on thrift
Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels

CDs and DVDs Are Not A Great Buy at Thrift or Consignment Shops

There are a lot of people who are going to disagree with me on this one. I say stay away from CDs and DVDs on thrift. If you’re into them for the jacket designs only, then go for it. But if you actually want to play them, you may want to think again. Few shops (except those specializing in used movies and music) have the staff or time to check the condition of this media. Some may do a cursory look-see for scratches on CDs, but that’s about it. It’s one of the reasons we don’t sell them at Consignments Ltd., except for charity sales. Who wants to get half-way through a cliffhanger only to find out the rest of the movie is fuzz? Or be bopping down the highway listen to Rascal Flats only to get the endless skip? At a minimum, ask the question: Do You Test These? And Are They Returnable If Defective? It will save you a lot of heartache.

For more information on consignment shopping, check out my previous blogs: What Not To Buy at Thrift and Consignment Shops, Part 1: Clothing, Travel Items To Avoid Buying Second-Hand and One of The Best Items To Buy at Thrift or Consignment Shops.

And Now For A Little Music Before We Go…

Have a lovely day, my friends. Marianne

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