great to thrift frames

A Great Thrift Find: Picture Frames

April 2, 2024
best buy on thrift picture frames
Photo by Sara Garnica on Pexels

My brick-and-mortar store has tons of customers who are artists. Often, they are not selling their work at my shop, but instead they are buying from me. And do you know why? It’s because framing is a very expensive endeavor. Even the glass can cost you an arm and a leg. Artists can purchase a print, an oil, etc. and re-purpose the frame (and glass) for one of their own works. But you don’t have to be an artist to take advantage of this great thrift find: frames.

great thrift find frames
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

A Great Thrift Find: Tabletop Frames

Whether you’re filling your new bookcase with special memories or displaying the grandchildren’s new school pictures on the console in the front hall, you are going to need tabletop frames. And there’s no better place to buy them than thrift and consignment shops. You’ll usually find a large selection to chose from at shops that specialize in home goods. An added bonus is that you will find some unique frames that aren’t the typical ones available at the big box stores. Prices will be way better too!

great thrift buy frames
Photo by Thomas balabaud on Pexels

Great Thrift Finds: Artwork Frames

You too can do what my artist friends do at Consignments Ltd. You can buy a right-sized frame and re-use it for that piece you scored, unframed on your last trip. Or you can replace the frame on a piece you have always loved but HATE the frame. Don’t get me wrong, professional framing shops do fantastic work, but if your timing, budget or aesthetic aren’t in line, thrift and consignment shops are perfect places to accomplish these framing tasks.

Frames For Alternative Purposes Are Also A Great Buy

If you’re crafty you probably already know that thrift and consignment shops are great resources for frames. You can turn frames into trays, use them as decorative trim on furniture pieces and create jewelry organizers out of them. You can even take a larger frame and use it to up the visual appeal of your flat screen TV by “framing it.” The possibilities are endless.

So get yourself to a thrift or consignment shop the next time you’re looking for a frame. You’ll be so glad you did! And for more on consignment best buys, check out my previous blogs: Consignment Shop Best Buys, Consignment Shop Best Buys: Fashion and Consignment Shop Best Buys: The Rest.

And Now For A Little music Before We Go…

Have a lovely day, my friends. Marianne

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  • Reply
    Lori Martinez Rukakoski
    April 2, 2024 at 11:24 am

    I truly enjoy your thoughtful blogs, this picture frame one is excellent, I also resonated with one of your last articles about bedroom organization, My bedroom IS currently causing me a lot of stress due to the disorganization. It was a very motivating and inspiring post. Thank you very much. I am very much looking forward to returning to Consignments LTD, my favorite store anywhere in the Northeast, with the kind and helpful owner, Marianne and her staff. I have appreciated your advice and help when I have come into the shop and was in need of inspiration for my own business. I hope to see you soon. Best, Lori/ Homestead Commodities

    • Reply
      April 25, 2024 at 7:05 am


      Thanks so much for your kind words. We look forward to welcoming you back!

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