Making a gratitude list

I’m Making a Gratitude List Instead of Resolutions

December 31, 2023
new years gratitude list
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels

It’s hard to believe, for me at least, that it’s New Year’s Eve. In a few short hours, 2023 will be in the rear view mirror. This year, instead of resolutions, I am making a gratitude list. I’m writing down all the things, big and small, that I’m grateful for in 2023. Instead of “lose 10 pounds,” and “read more books,” I’m taking stock of the things that made my year. Read on for some suggestions if you think you’d like to do the same…

making a gratitude list
Photo by Ann Poan on Pexels

Some Questions To Ask Yourself When Making a Gratitude List

The year goes by in a flash. I honestly never believed my parents when they said it would. But as I get older I see what they meant. The years go faster the older I get. Maybe it’s the same for you? And as I age it’s even hard to remember what the beginning of the year was like when get toward the end. I’ve got a lot to think about and so do you. So, if you’re making a gratitude list for this year you’ll want to think about the whole 365 day chunk that flew by in a flash and ask yourself:

What relationships am I grateful for? And why?

Maybe you got closer to your daughter who seemed to be adrift? Or maybe your friend helped you move into a new place? Perhaps you’re grateful for your partner? A new one? An old one? A renewed one? Any relationship, even one that has ended, has the power to make you feel grateful.

What has happened to my personal health that I am grateful for?

Maybe you had COVID this year, but you made a strong recovery? Perhaps the test results were negative, when you prayed so hard for them to be? Or maybe you’re struggling with a health issue right now, but yesterday you had enough energy to take a walk? It can be anything, big or small.

Has my wealth changed in any way that I am grateful for?

Maybe you had the funds to pay off that credit card? Perhaps you got a raise? Or that house you’ve been eyeing came down in price?

How have I grown in the past year and what have I learned?

Perhaps you started therapy and finally understand your father? Or you learned to make Creme Brulee? You stood up for yourself against the bully? You taught yourself to play the guitar? We learn a lot in 365 days. Think about it.

Have I been able to give back in a way that makes me feel grateful?

Maybe your church had a gift basket raffle and you made one and brought it in to raffle off? Perhaps you cooked a little extra each Sunday and shared it with your neighbor? You donated to your favorite charity a little more than you thought you should and then your tax return was bigger than you thought it would be? Giving has a powerful pull on our gratitude.

Once you’ve gone through each prompt then think about those things that don’t fit any of these categories. Add them too! Good luck!

gratitude journal 2023
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels

As for me, here are just a few of the many things I’m grateful for in 2023:

  • I am grateful for one of the staff at Consignments Ltd. who goes out of her way to regularly take one of our consignors to his medical appointments because he has no family around to help.
  • And speaking of staff, I am grateful that I get to spend so many of my days with 5 of the best ladies on the planet, the staff of Consignments Ltd.
  • I’m grateful for my customers who chased after one of our consigned bikes, after someone tried to make off with it. He got it back too!

I’m Also Grateful For:

Learning to be a better cook in 2023. There was a lot of trial and error and tasting. But my world is more flavorful as a result. That’s a tasty reason to be grateful.

I am grateful that my diabetes has stayed in good control this year.

I’m also grateful for my customers’ support of our efforts to raise funds for the wildfire victims of Maui. We were able to send over $1200 to the Maui Red Cross, and one generous gal got beautiful piano to boot.

My 4 kids have been healthy in 2023, and I got to spend time with each of them. Grateful doesn’t even begin to cover that one.

I’m grateful that my mother-in-law finally got into her new house, after more than 14 months of waiting since her previous one was destroyed by Hurricane Ian.

And speaking of mother’s-in-law, yes, I got one this year. I also got a second, wonderful son! And that brings me to the “thing” I am most grateful for in 2023… my new husband, Bruce. He’s the kindest and most loving man I have ever met. He gives me reason to be grateful every single day.

Good luck with making a gratitude list if you go this route to end the year. If you chose resolutions instead, good luck with that too. For more topics that might make you feel good on this last day of 2023, check out by previous blogs: My Reasons to Be Grateful and A Love Letter to My Son on His Wedding Day.

I am grateful for you, my friends. Happy New Year! Marianne

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