How To Add Whimsy To Your Home

February 2, 2025
funny planter adds whimsy
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

It’s your home. It’s yours… whatever it is… apartment, condo, starter or forever home. Your home is yours to decorate as you like and to furnish as you please. I always tell my clients to “make it your haven.” It’s great to see them make choices not just because Joanna Gaines says it should look a certain way, although I do love that woman. Rather, I think your home should be a refection of you, the person who lives there. Your choices should reflect your passions and your pursuits. I also think that your home should reflect things that amuse you, things that make you smile. So today we are talking about how to add whimsy to your home though your decor. Here are a few examples…

1. Go For The Unexpected To Add Whimsy To Your Home

Whether it’s that weird vintage piece that you find interesting and sculptural or the one odd, out-of-character furniture item that speaks to you, choosing the unexpected always makes a room, and a home, feel more whimsical. It makes you smile every time you enter the room. And it makes your guests more intrigued by your décor. Consider things like a Mid-Century Modern chair, when all the rest of the furniture is French Country. Or maybe chose that vintage, turquoise fan even though you have central AC. It’s placing things you enjoy right smack in the middle of your world. An unusual art piece that you love but doesn’t “go” will do it. A crazy design on the shower curtain will do it, as well. The unexpected is always a great way to add whimsy to your home.

2. Add Whimsy By Making Them Laugh

You can add that whimsical feeling to your home in a more direct way, as well. You can incorporate things that will make you, and your friends, laugh out loud. Consider things like: the welcome mat that says “Go Away.” Or, perhaps chose a sign with a funny saying or joke. Place googly eyes on a couple of your planters on the bookcase, so they are noticed not at all and then all-at-once. Hah!

3. Add an Unexpected Pop of Color or a Fun Fabric

If you’re not into the direct approach when it comes to adding whimsical touches to your home, you might try a more subtle take. Adding a single pop of color, like red, or a unique fabric, like a faux fur, to a room will make it interesting and fun. Try a hint of pink or red in an otherwise neutral room. Try a shag fabric on a few of your pillows. Maybe add a leopard print runner to your otherwise formal dining room. It’s one of the easiest ways to add whimsy to your home.

4. Spread a Collection Throughout your Home to Add Whimsy

If you collect something interesting, consider bringing the collection out into the sunshine. My daughter Charlotte collects vintage cameras; she’s fascinated by the way they look and the way they function. Instead of keeping them in a box (or six) in her closet, she has brought them out and spread them around her house. They are on floating shelves in her bedroom and on the bookcases in her office. Books on the subject adorn her coffee table. It’s a fun way to add interest and whimsy… and you actually get to see your collection on the daily!

A Final Thought…

A sense of whimsy will add much enjoyment to your home and will change as your tastes change. Overkill, however, like with any thematic decorating, is just that, overkill. Use whimsical items sparingly and they will be more fully appreciated.

If your hungry for more, check out my previous blogs, like: New Year. New Products I Love and Get Your Guest Room Ready For Company.

Have a lovely Sunday, my friends. Marianne

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