So last week in Part 1 of this blog topic, we focused on 5 different cleaning tasks you can undertake to give your house the best shot of getting sold for top dollar. In Part 1 of Get Your Home Ready To Sell we discussed things like cleaning your closets and getting your house to smell good. Today we will cover 5 other great tips that will help you put your house on the must see (and, therefore, must buy) list of all your potential buyers. So let’s get busy…

Maximize Your Natural Light To Prepare Your Home For Sale
Every buyer wants natural light – loads of it. Not every home has an abundance of it, however. You can make the best of what you have, and therefore make potential buyers happy, with a couple of quick tricks. The first thing you can do is simply take away your window treatments in the living spaces of your home. I know, I said that, but it’s true. Take them off entirely. Be sure to clean your windows thoroughly after doing this, and patch and repaint any walls that have damage from curtain rods and blinds. You wouldn’t necessarily live like this, but as a temporary choice it really maxes out the light and that’s the goal. Not ready for “The Full Monty” on your windows? No worries. You can rehang window treatments so they fall outside the sides of the window casements so the full window is exposed when they are pushed aside. This option may also require some patching and repainting, but it will definitely be worth it when the light and the offers start pouring in.
For more on curtains and draperies, see my previous blog: The Benefits of Room Darkening Curtains.

Fixing The Small Stuff Helps Get Your Home Ready To Sell
If you have something that is obviously broken (like a door handle or window pane, a leaky faucet or a running toilet) do NOT assume that potential buyers will overlook it. Fix it! It is imperative because you know what buyers assume when they see broken things? Buyers think that you are falling down in the maintenance department. They get the subliminal message that other things must be in ill-repair too (like your furnace or your roof). You get the picture? Fix the small stuff and they will get the message that you take care of things in your home – that’s a home people want to buy.

Get Your Home Ready to Sell by Making Upgrades That Pay Off
If your appliances are old, it’s the first thing that potential buyers will see. Replacing old appliances can be costly, but it will pay you back in offers. You don’t have to buy the top-of-the-line appliances that you’d buy if you were staying, but you should buy stainless or whatever is the standard in your area. Buyers will see these appliances as an upgrade worthy of the purchase price. Other upgrades that matter are things like cabinet hardware – updating it instantly refreshes your kitchen and the cost is minimal. And as we recommended last week, modernizing light fixtures is definitely worth the money you spend because you’ll get it back and more at the time of sale. Kitchens and bathrooms are where to spend your dollars, so use that as a rule.
Insider Tip: A lot of thrift and consignment shops, like Consignments Ltd., are great places to score replacement hardware for your cabinets.

If You Maximize Your Curb Appeal, Your Home Will Be Ready To Sell
If I can’t find your front door, I don’t think you really want me visiting. The same can be said for potential buyers. If you make the front door a focal point by clearing bushes away from it, giving it a fresh coat of paint, and placing some potted flowers on the steps you are saying c’mon in. You will also literally welcome them to buy your home. Also, make sure to keep the flower beds tidy and the grass cut and keep the yard (front and back) free from extraneous items like kids’ toys and non-permanent sprinklers. The more curb appeal the more likely the sale.

If You Set The Table You Help Potential Buyers Picture Themselves in Your Home
Buyers like to envision themselves in the space that’s for sale. One easy way to help them do that is to set the table. Use pretty cloth napkins, placemats and wine glasses. Help them think about sitting down to a meal right there. If you are fortunate enough to have a soaker tub, I am also a big fan of placing a couple of champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne on the tub deck. Again, help them imagine and you won’t have to imagine anything because you’ll have a signed Purchase And Sale Agreement.
I hope that you have enjoyed both parts of this blog. And just remember, as you’re working to get your home ready, you can let your mind begin to imagine your next adventure… wherever it may lead you.
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