Thrift consignment and conversation

Consignment, Thrift and Conversation

September 8, 2024
thrift consignment and conversation
Photo by Dương Nhân on Pexels

You may have read that headline with a little trepidation. What in heaven’s name do consignment and thrift have to do with conversation? Bear with me, because this makes sense in my head. LOL. A few weeks back, when another one of my blogs was published, the great computer gods that make these decisions (or AI) linked a blog that I wrote years ago at the bottom of the new blog. The old blog (which I will link for you at the bottom of this one) was about bringing back good, old-fashioned conversation to our relationships. Bruce, having forgotten this old blog, re-read it with great interest. We started talking about it. What I realized is that consignment and thrift stores are perfect places for some of the tools, if you will, for facilitating good, old-fashioned conversation. So consider these suggestions…

thrift consignment and conversation
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels

Consignment Thrift and Conversation Through Through Games with Your Kids

My kids grew up playing cards. We play a game called Pepper, which is sort of a precursor to bridge. You count cards, follow suit and there’s trump (no, not that one). We have such good conversations over those card games. But we go through decks of cards like water. You can find decks of cards almost all of the time at thrift and consignment shops, however, so problem solved. The same can be said for a lot of the classic board games, like Monopoly, Clue, Pictionary and Trivial Pursuit. Shops have them and you can grab them for so much less than regular retail. Get them today and set a date with your kids or grands for Saturday Game Night. I can feel those kid conversations starting already.

Insider Tip: Shops like Consignments Ltd. have loads of games, puzzles and decks of cards. Just make sure you count the cards in a deck before buying them and check that all the game pieces are there before scoring those as well. You’d hope shops check, but you can never be sure.

thrift consignment conversation
Photo by Rachel Claire Pexels

Trays and Mugs For Morning Coffee – A Perfect Time For Conversation with Your Partner

Bruce and I have coffee together almost every morning before starting our day. It’s our time to check in with each other on anything and everything that’s going on. And it’s time for Wordle, Connections and much to Bruce’s chagrin, the timed, NYT Mini Crossword Puzzle. We bring the coffee back up to our room and he always complains that my mug is so heavy. It may be the biggest coffee mug known to humankind, but I love it! And hey, I’m only having one cup, so it should be a doozy. I found it, of course, on consignment. And that’s because mugs, trays, creamers and other coffee accouterments are plentiful at thrift and consignment. In one fell swoop, you can adopt this ritual, make it a stylish start to your day AND save money on the details. How great is that?

Insider Tip: For more about trays, you can check my previous blog: Using Trays In Interior Design.

thrift your snack time
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Bowls and App Plates For Snack Time For Anyone and Everyone

Snacks, unlike what our mothers told us, will not ALWAYS ruin your dinner. They may actually enhance it. Taking time with your kid, your partner or your friends before dinner to just sit, relax and talk not only sets up a meal for success, but it helps solidify relationships too. You already know that I never need an excuse for purchasing decor, and snack time is no exception. Trays, as we spoke of previously, are plentiful at thrift and consignment. You can also grab stacks of great appetizer plates, cute snack bowls, cocktail napkins, wine glasses, even cheese knives and spreaders. Everything you need for a stylish, delicious and conversation-filled snack time.

And if you want to read that blog on conversation, here’s the link: Bring Back Good Old-Fashioned Conversation.

Have a lovely Sunday, my friends. Marianne

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