“Words have magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can Surround Yourself With Words…transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men’s action”
-Sigmund Freud

Surround Yourself With Words…
Most people have a favorite quote… something they can recite… by heart… that has left a lasting impression on them. After I failed miserably (well, I came in fourth) at the Gettysburg Address recitation contest in 8th grade, I decided I would never memorize anything again in my life, except French verb conjugations… And then, there was college philosophy. And I suddenly felt like there was this new world opening up to me.. and I started to memorize things like: “I think, therefore I am,” and ” Murder and capital punishment are not opposites that cancel one another, but similiars that breed their kind.” And I kind of became hooked on using these meaningful, and sometimes silly or irreverent, words around my home… you can do it too… just consider…

Inspiration Where You Need It…When You Need It …
I have a pillow in my bedroom. My daughter Charlotte gave t to me. It says: “Enjoy The Little Things in Life, For Some Day You Will Realize They Were The Big Things.” It is such a small an inconsequential thing… but it is such a big thing to me… it kind of sums it up. And it has been an inspiration. I see it when I go to sleep. It is where it needs to be for me. You can put these positive words in your path too… like the sign above… a little inspiration if you’re fighting the good fight.

Some other ideas…
Mirrors are a great place for words. You can put them at the top, and at the bottom, with relative ease. You can stencil them on or free-hand them. But when you look in that mirror, they are there for you, reminding you. “Hello, Gorgeous,” “Good Morning, Beautiful,” “Rise and Shine.” They can be positive affirmations when you are half awake or pats on the back when you are feeling less than stellar.
Exercise spaces are another great spot for quotes. On the wall in my old home gym I had the following painted on the concrete, cellar wall: “You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take.” -Wayne Gretsky; “Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win.” -Vince Lombardi; “Don’t Let Anybody Work Harder Than You Do.” -Serena Williams. They inspired me when I didn’t feel like doing the workout. They helped kick my butt into gear more than a few times.
Another great place to decorate with words is your home office space, especially now that so many of us are working from home, and trying to ignore what sounds like a cow, giving birth in our living room, but is actually our kids fighting over the remote whilst we are on a zoom meeting. Words can keep us centered and allow us, even temporarily, from calling veterinary 911 for that cow thing. You might try things like: “Just A Girl Boss Building Her Empire” or “Once In Awhile…Blow Your Own Damn Mind.”

Change Your Mind… Again and Again…
I have to admit it, I have been known to change my mind more that a few times. For me, committing to a quote, painted on the wall in my living room wall forever and ever is more than a little scary. Can you say fear of commitment… who me? But two of the greatest things to come along in this area are chalkboard paint and chalk pens. I can take the little chalkboard sign I have on my portable bar, and change it with my whim and the wind. The new, re-imagined push pin signs work the same way (see above). They come with a plethora of letters, allowing you to say just about anything that will fit.

Let’s Do The Dishes?…
Who doesn’t like those paint-your-own-pottery places? It’s one of the best ways I can think of to de-stress. And these places offer a great opportunity to get your words on. You can add inspirational quotes to all sorts of dishware and vases and you can see them every day – when they’re not in the dishwasher.
And Now For A Little Music Before We Go…
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
-Jalaluddin Rumi