“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.“
― Michael Altshuler
An End To The Year From Hell and Hope For A New One
I know that I am not alone in my wish to see the end of this dreadful year…. so much loss… so much derision. We are now almost immune to the fact that the traditions we hold dear are not happening this year… and now this includes the ringing in of the New Year in cities and small towns across the globe. So what is there that we can actually do on New Year’s Eve? The following are a few suggestions to end this year on a positive note and set the tone for a better 2021…
Write To A Nurse And Thank Them
The images did it for me… the ones of the nurses and doctors bruised and red from their PPEs. They made me cry… again. These brave men and women fighting on the front lines literally have the battle scars to prove it. Their faces are red-raw or bruised from the tight-fitting PPEs that they must wear to try to stay safe from the patients that they are caring for and in many instances helping to die, without their families around them. Many of them continue to isolate themselves from their own families in the hopes that this will protect them from bringing the disease home.
These women and men deserve not only our thanks, but our undying gratitude for what they are doing and the risks they are taking. So how about taking a moment on New Year’s Eve this year and penning them a thank you. Get the kids involved to, as it’s a perfect “teachable moment.” Have the kids make drawings or cards. You’ll feel good and you might just make someone’s day.
In our area you can write to nurses “Care of COVID Ward Nurses’ Station” at:
- RI Hospital, 593 Eddy St, Providence, RI 02903
- Hasbro Children’s Hospital, 593 Eddy St, Providence, RI 02903
- South County Hospital, 100 Kenyon Ave, Wakefield, RI 02879
- Kent Memorial Hospital, 455 Toll Gate Rd, Warwick, RI 02886
- Newport Hospital, 20 Powel Ave, Newport, RI 02840
- Women & Infants Hospital, 101 Dudley St, Providence, RI 02905
- Roger Williams Medical Center, 825 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI 02908
- Providence VA Medical Center, 830 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI 02908
- Westerly Hospital, 25 Wells St, Westerly, RI 02891
- The Miriam Hospital, 164 Summit Ave, Providence, RI 02906
Donate Money Before Midnight and Make It Count For 2020 Taxes
So many people are hurting right now and charities are suffering beyond measure. If you can find it in your heart and your budget, consider making a year-end donation to your favorite charity on New Year’s Eve. Most charitable donations are tax-deductible and if you make them on the 31st they will count towards your 2020 taxes!
SAFELY* Light Off Some Fireworks in Your Driveway
There is something almost visceral about fireworks. The loud noises they make are almost a form of defiance. And what a great way to send 2020 packing – kind of a big raspberry to 2020!
Too fearful for fireworks (I am with you on that one), then ring some bells or blow some horns. The kids will love this (if you’re letting them stay up that late). Get your neighbors involved and you will hear each other at midnight and know that we are one community – even when we are socially distanced. So make a little noise on New Year’s Eve and say goodbye to 2020!
*PLEASE observe ALL SAFETY GUIDELINES if you chose to set off fireworks to celebrate your New Year’s Eve!
Play Some Games, Do Some Puzzles, Deal Some Cards … Or Dance Like Nobody’s Watching!
A couple of weeks ago in my blog I’m “Board!” The Best Board Games to Score for The Holidays, I shared with you a lot of the newest and best board games out there right now. You can click the link above for some great ideas for your New Year’s Eve or pull out some cards or puzzles to enjoy the evening at home. Whatever you chose to do, know that you will be making memories that will last.
Puzzles and games not your thing? Get out the turntable, the wireless speaker or Spotify or Alexa and play some great music … and dance your way into 2021!
Send a Card or Small Gift To Nursing Home Residents
There is no where in the US where COVID has had more impact than in skilled nursing facilities. In my home state of Rhode Island, as of December 18th, there have been 1602 COVID deaths and more than 1000 of those deaths have been in nursing homes. Across the nation more deaths have been reported in these homes than anywhere else. More than 20% of all U.S. Covid deaths have been in nursing homes. States have been restricting families from seeing their loved ones to help prevent spread, so not only are people sick and dying but they are also without the stimulus of friendly interaction.
So consider making cards for nursing home residents on New Year’s Eve or buying a gift card and sending it so they can purchase a book or special treat online. Don’t know anyone in your local nursing facility? Just write to the home and ask them to distribute your gift, card or letter to a deserving resident. Don’t forget to include your own address, as you might end up with a new Pen Pal for 2021!
So What Else Is Good About Ringing In The New Year This Year?
When we hit 12:01am on January 1st we will be out of this hard year and one step closer to an end to all of this …
And Now For A Little Music Before We Go…
“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.”
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