Since the turn to the New Year, I’ve been talking a lot about organization. Whether it’s your resolution or it’s just come about from putting away holiday decor, it seems like so many of us are doing it. But do you know what this means in the thrift and consignment world? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it means that January is a good month to thrift! Why, you may wonder? Well, that organizing plays a big part. Keep reading to learn more…

January Really Is A Good Month To Thrift
In a recent article on Martha Stewart’s website, DIY Expert and Vintage Reseller, Zoe Adamczak, validates that January is a good month to thrift. She says, “Many of us in the thrifting community have identified January as one of the best times to shop, as we typically see a lot of fresh pieces.” And the reason for this great stash: organizing after the New Year! Whether you’re following my refresh on Marie Kondo’s Konmari Method or you’re just getting rid of clutter with my Clutter Busting Suggestions, you are knowingly or unknowingly adding to this January bonanza.

What Kind of Loot Can You Expect?
When you head out the door during this great thrifting month, what exactly can you expect to find? Believe me, treasures abound! From people clearing their closets to make room for gifts or just to make their closet more organized, you’ll find clothes. Lots of them! Some even with tags still on. At stores like Consignments Ltd., that focus primarily on household furnishings, you’ll find anything from new-in-the-box appliances (that people didn’t use for the 12 previous months and shed at the New Year) to sets of china (that they didn’t use again this holiday season). You’ll also find a fair amount of new, unopened items that people received as gifts and couldn’t or wouldn’t return.
So get out there this month, my friends, before all the good stuff is gone!
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